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发布时间:2010-10-22 0:00:00


露营, 东拉山, 红法,成都旅游

2010-10-30:To view the red autumnal leaves at Dongla mountain grand canyon and traversing the Shengmu lei.


Dongla mountain grand canyon    It is in the baoxing section of Qionglai south part, and inside of longdong town, baoxing county, Yaan city, Sichuan, include five main scenic spot such as Dongla valley, Zhanyang zheng valley, Lujing valley, Maozi bay and so on.,  it’s the unite of grand canyon physiognomy and snow-capped mountains and marshland ecological landscape, and it is a high qulity nature ecological spot. Plentiful sight spot, high omamental. There are strikingly outstanding peaks and exotic scene, stream and waterfall, red autumnal leaves and rain fog, jungle full of birds and beasts, there are too many things for the eye to take in. Spring you can see multi-colored forest and wild osmanthus, summer there are grassland canyon, at autumn it is varied and colourful, and winter jokul ice cascade around you.

赶羊沟:  赶羊沟正沟全长约17公里,东拉山沟正沟全长约8公里。沟内沿途山崖高耸、峭壁嶙峋,蔚为壮观。尤其东拉山沟沟口一带高崖绝壁更显壮观,且崖壁成黄色,每当旭日东升或夕阳西落时,在金色阳光照射之下,周围崖壁反射阳光,构成雄壮的日照金山图。赶羊沟有着丰富的历史文化底蕴,这里因保护大熊猫,驱逐外国偷猎者而得名,1926年,前美国总统西奥多?罗斯福的两个儿子小罗斯福兄弟到宝兴猎捕大熊猫,并偷猎成功,但获得的是死体大熊猫,该大熊猫标本至今仍陈列在美国芝加哥的菲尔德博物馆里。为了猎杀一只活体大熊猫,1928年罗斯福兄弟再次到宝兴以猎杀怪兽为名,准备再次偷猎大熊猫,四川宝兴人民在这里奋力驱逐了小罗斯福兄弟,揭开了中国人民保护国宝大熊猫的历史篇章,这条宝兴人民浴血战斗的地方也因驱逐洋人而得名“赶洋沟”,辗转改名如今的“赶羊沟”。赶羊沟内分布着大量的野生桂花群落,春季到此,香风习习,爬山看水、闲情雅致、快活惬意。
Ganyang gutter    Ganyang gutter span is about 17 kilometers, Dongla mountain gutter span is 8 kilometers. Along the way the cliffs erect and steep rugged are very spectacular, expecially the entrance of Dongla mountain clitch, and the precipice color is yellow, everytime when sunrise and sun go down, as the gold sun irradiate, the surrounding precipice will reflect the sunshine, to form the grandful sunlight gold mountain. Ganyang gutter full of plentful history, here always named as protect panda and banishment hunter, in 1926 years, American former president Theodore Roosevelt’s two son the small Roosevelt brothers went to Baoxing to hunt panada and succeed, but they only get died panada body, now that panada exhibited in Field museun in Chicago American. 1928 years for a living body Roosevelt brothers came to Baoxing prepared to hunt again, but Baoxing people do all one can to banishment them, reveal the history of Chinese people protect national treasure panada, this gutter throuth Baoxing people fight it out to the bitter end to banish foreigner then called Ganyang gutter. By the way inside of it distributed plent of wild osmanthus, if you come to here at spring time the wind will be fragrance, climb the mountain and watch the river, life will be happy and carefree with elegant leisure.

“鹿井沟”景片简介:  鹿井沟海拔1920米,是东拉山大峡谷五大景片之一。鹿井沟由于在过去经常野鹿成群,齐集沟口一带嬉戏饮水,由此得名“鹿井沟”。沟内环境幽静、植被丰富、奇石林立、河谷幽深,不但有多处大小瀑布群,还大面积分布了素有“中国白鸽树”美誉的珙桐、俗称“野银杏”的连香树及红豆杉等珍贵树种。营造了一条游珙桐幽径、览关门奇石、观飞瀑交叠的旅游线路,是集东拉山大峡谷奇、幽、秀为一体的旅游景片,适宜驴友三俩结伴而游。
Lujing gutter spot introduction    Lujing gutter elevation is 1920 meters, it is one of the main spot in Dongla grand canyon. Before here always gathered agminate wild-deer play water at the entrence of gutter, so named as Lujing gutter. Inside environment is very sequestered, plentiful vegetation, grotesque rock formations, river deep and serene. Not only have big and small waterfall group but also distibuted Chinese dove tree,  katsure tree which is commonly refrred to as wild gingko and yew. Build a travel route which is the path to view Chinese dove tree, look over grotesque rock at gate, and see waterfall overlap. It is the travel spot gather with Dongla grand canyon grotesque, secluded and elegant, suit friends travelling with you.


Yaoji Zangcountry
    Yaoji Zangcountry is a mystery and beautiful place, Shengmu lei spot in the west of Yaoji Zangcountry, elevation is 2300-4300meters. The spot regard forest, snow mountain, stream, apline meadow, highland calcific pond as main view.


神木垒系藏语译音,神仙游玩的地方。景区位于硗碛藏乡西部,位于夹金山国 家级森林公园,四川省夹金山风景名胜区,世界自然遗产大熊猫栖息地的一部分景区主要以森林、雪山、溪流、高山草甸、高山钙化池为主题景观,人工林,原始森 林、原始初生林、高山杜鹃林等植被呈梯次分布、重重叠叠、郁郁葱葱、青青的草甸散落在森林之间,成群的牛羊、或低头吃草、或欢腾跳跃;在森林和草甸周边,山峦起伏
Shengmu lei spot
    Shengmu lei is the transliteration of tibetan, a place played by leprechaun. Spot located the west of Yaoji Zangcountry, inside of the Jiajing mountain national forest park., by the way Jiajing mountain is a scenic spot, a part of habitat for panda, there are original forest, planted forest, highland cuckoo forest and original firstborn forest, these kind of vegetation present trapezia, layer after layer, grow green and fresh, green meadow scattering in the forest, group flocks and herds lower the head eat the grass, sometimes jubilation sometimes jumping around the meadow.

【活动时间】:2010年10月 29日 下午7点,新南门车站集合,31日下午回成都。
Activity time:29th, Oct, 2010, 7pm gather at Xinnan men bus station, 31th afternoon back to Chengdu.

第一天:成都——宝兴  Schedule arrange


    From chengdu along the chengya highway exit to baoxing county, live in there.

Second day: Baoxing-- Dongla mountain—Yaoji Zangcountry—Yutong gutter—Erdao niuchang encampment

    7:30 am, from Baoxing, through longdong town to Dongla grand canyon, through Leiyuan mountain, Qiqing sea, Qiqing waterfall, Longying valley, Yujing sea, morning can walk or by cable car to Qinyi yuan, on the way can see the moving see, pass Liuying brige, discover brige, Qiaofu brige, walk clear path, old tree and path, can photo at red autumnal leaves plain. Shili colorful forest road—travel the mountain way at Qinyi yuan, Ganyang gutter, totally single way is 4 kilometer, gradient soft, mountain view is graceful, it is a very good place for photograph of wedding gauze kerchief, lunch on the way. Afternoon travel Luming pond, walk 3Kmto guan san stong to enjoy natural ecology. Leave with the romance red leaves from Dongla mountain to Yaoji Zangcountry, look the bule sky and white cloud, and the Wuxian sea view under the graceful mountain. Observe the monument for the Red Army’s Long March, White tower, and the stockaded village under group mountain, overlook lamasery which covered by thither green tree, to feel Yaoji special Zangamorous feeling, finally walk to the encampment---Erdao niu chang.

Breakfast: self—care

Lunch: byo

Dinner: DIY, night needfire, according to sistuation to roast a sheep, beside the wide meadow, drinking and eating, singing and dancing, happyly release life and work pressure, to feel the lesiure for close to the nature.

Dinner: DIY, night needfire, according to sistuation to roast a sheep, beside the wide meadow, drinking and eating, singing and dancing, happyly release life and work pressure, to feel the lesiure for close to the nature.

风景:走近玉镜海、情人海,你才能知道这里的水有多么洁净无瑕、婉约动人、万种风情。景区内集峡谷地貌、雪山草原等自然生态景观为一体,山形独特,奇峰异景,溪水飞瀑,雨雾红叶,林鸟山兽,让人目不暇接。 峡谷内植被丰富,国家级保护树种红豆杉、珙桐(鸽子树)、连香等众多珍稀树木分布其中,即便在酷热的夏季这里也是保持着春天般凉爽和湿润的气候,丰富的植被提供了浓密的负氧离子,让人仿佛置身于一座天然的氧吧之中。东拉山沟、赶羊沟、鹿井沟、桂蔷湾、猫子湾等几大景片星罗分布,构成了“雄、奇、幽、秀”的地质风景特色。穿 行在藏家村落中的小路之上,沿途的藏家民居透着古朴的风情,体现了真正的藏族锅庄楼的风格:一楼圈养牲畜,二楼锅庄房,三楼寝室,阳台上挂着丰收的玉米及晾晒的各色藏族服装,在树林和菜园田地的掩映下别有一番情趣。走过村落,在穿过几片青青的草场,就到达一片空旷的点缀满灌木林的草地,这就是我们的宿营地 ——二道牛场。


View: enter into the Yujing see, Lover see, you can just know how pure, gentle, and exceedingly fascinating and charming there are. Spot is the unite of grand canyon physiognomy and snow-capped mountains and marshland ecological landscape, There are strikingly outstanding peaks and exotic scene, stream and waterfall, red autumnal leaves and rain fog, jungle full of birds and beasts, there are too many things for the eye to take in. Inside of the valley rich of vegetation, it distibuted national protect plant like Chinese dove tree,  katsure tree and yew. Even at the hotest summer you will still feel cool as spring and humid climate, the vegetation supply bushy negative oxygen ion, let you in a nature oxygen bar. Dongla gutter, Ganyang gutter, Lujing gutter, Guiqiang bay and Maozi bay which are star-studded in formed in heroic, grotesque, secluded and elegant geology lanscape characteristic. Walking in the small path of zang country valley, all around primitive simplicity flirtatious expressions, reflect the real folk house of the zang nationality, the first floor stable breeding livestock, the second floor is folk house, the third floor is bed room, on the porch hung the bumper havrvest corn and dry clothes, all cover by forest and field, have a unique lingering sentiment. Through the valley, and some green rangeland, then you will arrived a widen grassland full of strubbery, here is our encampment-- Erdao niuchang.

Third day: Erdao niuchang encampment—Pagela magical mountain—Shengmu lei—Yaoji—Chengdu

    Morning get up at 7:30, washing and rinseing, breakfast, and set off at 8:30, start out by a small canal nearby the tent, everyone help each other, traversing Pagela magical mountain arrive at Shengmu lei spot, along the way vegetation luxuriate, dead wood standing inside, up to the top look around, blue sky and white cloud be with you, ravines and guillies criss-cross, chain of mountain roll over on another, Jiajing mountain appear vividly in front of you, a feel arise spontaneously of when reaching the great peak of Mount Tai, we hold all mountains in a single glance. Look highland meadow, nature root carving garden, feel fresh air and clear sky, and unlimited view. According to the rounte to choose the dish place, but still have to prepare eat on the road.

【活动费用】:预计300元左右,多退少补!(关于门票:东拉山大峡谷门票价格60元/人,观光车10元/人 神木垒门票35元/人,1.2米以下免票、1.2-1.4米、学生证半价,1.4米以上全票)
Activity cost: around 300rmb ,refund for any overpayment or a supplymental payment for any deficciency)!(Dongla grand canyon ticket 60rmb each, cable car 10 each, Shengmu lei ticket 35rmb each, under 1.2 meters ticket free, 1.2-1.4 meters half price, student card half price, above 1.4 meters have to pay whole price.)

【活动装备】:[个人装备]: 背包(不小于60L),睡袋(-10度),帐篷,防潮垫(地席),头灯(电筒),冲锋衣,冲锋裤,雪套,抓绒上衣,抓绒裤,保暖内衣,袜子2双,手套,登山鞋(防水防滑很重要),水壶,墨镜,保暖的帽子,个人金属餐具,垃圾袋,登山杖,零食及路餐3顿。
Activity equipment: individual equipment: knapsack above 60L, sleeping bag, tent, dampproof mat, head lamp, raincoat, snow boots, sweatshirt, cold-proof underwear, two pair of socks, glove, hiking boots, kettle, sunglasses, keep hot cap, personal metal mess kit, refuse bag, alpenstock, snack, and three dish on the road.

【报名方式】:仅限跟贴报名,报名格式 : 路过    1人    有帐篷可混1人    QQ:308443280 ,其它报名方式以及报名格式不标准均无效。
Apply way: only follow-up post apply. Apply form: LUGUO one person, tent can have one nore people, QQ:308443280, another apply way in vain.

Scene connect:  LUGUO:13982202705





【Public goods】:
Ordinary equipment: some interphones can be easily connect.
Contingency drug:  aptiphlogistic(Tertiary-generation cephalosporin)
                  Stomach  (Berberine, Huoxiang zhengqi oral liquid)
                  Cold  (Compound Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Tablets)
                  Injuries ( Yunnan Baiyao,Safflower oil,Band-aid)
                  Contingency ( Fenbid, Headache powder, Iodine, Gauze, Bandage, Thermometer)
Another drug have to according to personal information and take by yourself.


8、 集体观念第一,必须服从领队统一安排,遵守团队纪律,发扬团队协作精神,不得私自出走;

【Matters need attention】:
1, Take care and listen to you leader, can not be late, can not do risk activity unauthorized or leave group, if you do, the saft result have to be responsibe by yourself.
2, Pay attention to environmental, do not throw trash. (everyone have to bring a bag)
Plastic bag, or old and useless battery and unretrogradation stuff can not take out.
3, Respect the local custom.
4, Health, toughly, safe and team consciousness.
5, Understand each member, if there is some important decision have to be discuss.
6, During the progress of climbing mountain, if meet some unique feature and have to give up climb, everyone have to passive obedience leader decision.
7, Apply attendee will be treat as pretermit the activity principle, if any accident the activity convener will not bear legal responsibility.
8, Team spirit be first, have to obedience leader arrange, follow tean principle, develop team coordination spirit, can not leave alone.
9,  Be safe, do not do any climb unprotected, risk. Do not throw any unretrogradation rubish to water, can not destory vegetation, strictly prohibit bag wild animal.

【Pedestrianism effects】

1, Much more youth: mob of driving at full speed can make us biological cell present the tendency of youthful, it create a endurance, for machine got a positive maintain effect, let us looks much more youth.

2, Anti- sullen: this popular body-building exercise have very obvious effects at anti-sullen, sometimes it is better than psychotherapy, that’s why people choose walk instead of have nerve drug, it can reduce the fear for mental pressure.

3, Activation immunity: it can strengthen resistance capability for some infectivity germ, even better can prevent cancer.

4, Lose weight: if a 50kg girl everyday walk an hour, after that can consume 300 to 550 calorie







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