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实验室的意义和作用 The significance of laboratory and role

发布时间:2011-9-27 0:00:00

实验室的意义和作用 The significance of laboratory and role

“中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)”是经国家质量监督检验检疫总局授权唯一在我国进行实验室认可的权威组织。通过认可,证明实验室的水平和能力达 到国际标准要求,其检测结果可靠。出具的证书/报告在签署互认协议的国家/地区内可以被承认,消除非关税技术性贸易壁垒,减少重复检测。在竞争激烈的市场 中,可以赢得客户信任。通过实验室认可的作用和意义如下:

" China National Accreditation ( CNAS )" by the State Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and quarantine authorized only in our laboratory accreditation authority. Through the recognition, that the laboratory level and capacity of up to international standards, the reliable detection result. The issue of the certificate / report in signed a mutual recognition agreement of the country / region can be recognized, eliminate non-tariff technical barriers to trade, reduce duplication detection. In the fierce competition in the market, to win customer trust. Through the role and significance of laboratory accreditation as follows:


That has according to the corresponding recognition criteria for testing and calibration services technical ability;


To enhance market competition ability, win government departments, the community's trust;


Get signed a mutual recognition agreement Party national and regional accreditation body recognized;


Have the opportunity to participate in the international certification bodies accredited bilateral, multilateral cooperation exchange;


Can be recognized using CNAS within the National Laboratory Accreditation logo and the ILAC mark of international recognition of joint;


Included in the approved accreditation institutions, improve the visibility of.

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