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中美专家79年对中美教育考察报告的看法education investigation report

发布时间:2011-9-25 0:00:00

American experts 79 years on Sino-US education investigation report view
Some people told the following story, then the Internet received, we first have a look, then I talk about their own views.
In 1979 June, China sent a delegation to the United States, investigation of primary education. After returning home, to write a thirty thousand word report, in the travelogue portion has four paragraphs:
   1 学生无论品德优劣、能力高低,无不趾高气扬、踌躇满志,大有“我因我之为我而不同凡响”的意味。
1 students regardless of moral quality, ability, can hold about and give oneself airs, enormously proud of one's success, have greatly " I I am and be not of the common sort " means.
   2 小学二年级的学生大字不识一斗,加减乘除还在掰手指头,就整天奢谈发明创造,在他们手里,让地球翻调个头,好像都易如反掌。
2 primary school students of grade two illiterate a bucket, add, subtract, multiply and divide still breaking off finger, is all talk about inventions, in their hands, let the earth turn adjustable head, seem easy.
   3 重音、体、美,而轻数、理、化,无论是公立还是私立学校,音、体、美活动无不如火如荼,而数、理、化则乏人问津。
3 stress, body, beauty, and light, and the number, change, whether public or private schools, tone, body, beauty activities are like a raging fire, and number, and then, lack of interest.
   4 课堂几乎处于失控状态,学生或挤眉弄眼,或谈天说地,或跷二郎腿,更有甚者,如逛街一般,在教室里摇来晃去。
The 4 class is almost out of control, student or wink and make signs to one another, or to talk of everything under the sun, or cross-legged, what's more, such as shopping in general, in the classroom and dangling.
Finally, in the conclusion part, wrote: the United States of America 's primary education has been regarded as hopeless. So, can be predicted, then in 20 years time, Chinese science and technology and the culture will certainly catch up with and surpass the superpower.
In the same year, as the United States visits, also sent a delegation to china. They look at the Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an several school, also wrote a report, in the travelogue section also has four paragraphs:
   1 中国的小学生在上课时喜欢把手放在胸前,除非老师发问时,举起右边的一只,否则不轻易改变;幼儿园的学生则喜欢把手背在后面,室外活动时除外。
1 Chinese students in the class likes to put his hand over his heart, unless the teacher questions, raised right hand only, otherwise not easily change; kindergarten students like the hands behind, with the exception of outdoor activities.
   2 中国的学生喜欢早起,七点钟之前,在中国的大街上见到的最多的是学生,并且他们喜欢边走路边用早点。
2 Chinese students like to get up early, before seven o'clock, in China the saw on the street is the most students, and they like to walk while in early.
   3 中国学生有一种作业叫“家庭作业”,据一位中国老师解释,它的意思是“学校作业在家庭的延续”。
3 Chinese students have an operation called" homework", according to one Chinese teacher explained, it means " school work in the continuation of the family".
   4 中国把考试分数最高的学生称为学习最优秀的学生,他们在学期结束时,一般会得到一张证书,其他人则没有。
The 4 China to test the highest score of the students as learning the most outstanding student, they are at the end of the semester, usually received a certificate, others are not.
In the conclusion part of their report is written like this: Chinese students is one of the world's most diligent, in the world to also rise the earliest, slept late; his grades and every country in the world with the grade of students, are the best. Can predict, then 20 years time, China in science and technology and culture, will make the United States far behind.
But what it boils down to is that.
For the past 30 years, only in 1979 to 1999 of 20 years," the United States of America regarded as hopeless." education system, breed 43 Nobel Prize winners and 197 knowledge billionaire. In 2003 a total of 11 Nobel Prize winner, accounted for about half of the United States of america.
My view is: the conclusion of this article is not reliable. 43 Nobel Prize winners and 197 knowledge billionaire. I'm afraid not this 30 years culture results, their success, not just because the United States education, reason is many sided. China and the United States of America gap I did 30 years ago, our education we naturally have a good side, negation, Handan toddler is wrong, should go accord with our country national condition of the road, now has all flowers bloom together. Educational reform, contention of a hundred schools of thought is a good thing, but also from one side reaction in the education sector in guiding ideology comparison of confusion, sometimes I think I should take 15 minutes before class standard of the traditional mode of education, must be strictly disciplined, enable students to grasp the main knowledge, after a period of time to let students discuss, express their views, maybe the students will benefit more. How to see it

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