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发布时间:2011-9-23 0:00:00

High toughness leader's four tips
Today's business environment calls for a different leader, he must not only be able to withstand all storms, but also has the ability to make yourself and tissue through the great change and uncertainty in the period. Today's leaders can get rid of stereotypes, widen eye shot, look for opportunities, and fully mobilize the people around me. Toughness is its essential feature.
  The Center for Creative Leadership针对促成领导者成长的“关键事件”所做的一项研究发现,领导者学习、成长和自我提高的最大机会大多来自于困难、失败和事业挫折,而不是成功。伟大的领导者把挑战看作成长、改变和从错误中吸取教训的机会,而不会把自己看作特定环境下的受害者。
The Center for Creative Leadership aimed at contributing leader grow up" key events" to do a study found, leader of learning, development and self improvement the biggest opportunity comes from difficulties, failures and cause frustration, not success. Great leaders to challenge as growth, change and the chance to learn from mistakes, and don't consider himself as a particular victim of circumstance.
I on the toughness was defined, and based on our company in the field of Leadership Studies : 15 years of experience as well as the guidance of hundreds of managers in the situation or adversity leadership through experience, the toughness is decomposed into four dimensions. To tap their toughness, or finding method in tissue culture more flexible corporate culture, try these four tips.
Know yourself
The toughness of the most profound sense of self. When you face a huge challenge or misfortune, can let you survive is on their own leadership values and principles of knowledge, and use your own" navigation" to lead the courage.
To know yourself, to take a step back, see on your most important values, principles, beliefs about what, you the main advantages and disadvantages of various what. You need to find out what is holding you back. Once you have ed these, can consider the situation, make a choice.
For example, when you have the opportunity to undertake a has the potential to expand their ability to task, and if you think this is not supported by your long-term goals, will take you into the wrong direction, but also can take a step back, have a look how you can learn from this experience, find out how you can make it a value up.
On your own understanding more deep, will be more true to yourself. The authenticity is a critical component of toughness.
Communication with the excitation action
Keeping in contact with people
Now the world is too complex, all kinds of links are intricate intensive. Therefore, wise leader is to build more dynamic partners and alliances and networks, in order to produce more innovative ideas to solve more complex problems.
Strategic network is the people in order to improve the working quality and efficiency and to establish contact with the other person in a good way. Keep contact with people, in this based on the concept of more took one step, not just to build a series of separate relationship.
Keep contact with people, means intentionally and specific individuals or groups to form relationships, purpose is to initiate a positive action or to your favorable results, but also to the organization, personal benefit, or even for the whole society. High toughness leaders play a positive interpersonal relationship leverage to more effectively and efficiently achieve your goals. When they encounter difficulties, they will discover in this high credibility, knowledgeable and respected person.
I have interviewed many managers, let them say what they think is what makes himself successful result, have one thing in common: they have a wide range and variety of the network, but also can not hesitate to go out to others for help. They know that in the assessment of creativity, develop thinking or seek advice and support to the who to call.
You can not only by oneself a person will make everything clear, to do everything well. You need not only the connections, also need to have the courage to ask them for help.
" Smart power"
Learning new things, to adapt to the new situation, is the leader to lead the successful enterprises through the turbulent period of key. High toughness leaders and their teams can with a wealth of knowledge and experience, through the application of these insights to new situations, so as to make a wise decision. This would require them to keep curiosity, and be able to all rivers run into sea power to understand different perspectives, so as to stand higher, see farther.
The leader of the most important" Curriculum" and the most meaningful personal breakthroughs, some of it is in they step out of the comfort zone to risk occurs. Fortunately, a personal occupation career development does not depend on the particular efforts finally success, because of
For people to learn from failure and success to learn as much from. The result is not the most important, we walked the course and the lessons learned is the most important.
In order to deepen your study at each end, through ask yourself : I learn from it? What I do good, which can improve? Finally, if you make some mistakes, nor discouraged. Because it is inevitable.
With smart power also means you have the ability to the team and organization to create and maintain a more free and open learning environment and culture.
In a company, we create a method called " business intelligence" course, make the leader to take tough business challenges as opportunities to grow and learn. These discussions will encourage from each function branch managers involved in the listed time limit product team. The team created a new process, development of new creative skills, make breakthrough thinking to develop, and allows the company to go beyond the traditional way and action. They is the use of the organization 's smart power.
In order to let employees have higher toughness, make greater achievements, leaders need to spend time in communication. In addition to clear, concise expression of you, your words must be able to inspire employees to deal with the complex changes in the warm, especially in challenging and stressful time.
Have excellent communication skills, you will be known the truth, move it in feelings, encouraging them to around the enterprise vision or key objectives and positive action, fearless all obstacles and challenges.
High toughness leader should seek to higher levels than. They use encouraging language and optimistic attitude, and the staff to conduct a positive and effective communication. They are concerned about the team's active surface as well as the team 's expectations about the future. They are dedicated to creating a team or organization with shared or" our" vision. If an employee can outline future leaders to find their own position, the more agree with vision, more actively engaged in the key matters to.
The intention to speak, refers to let employees know you on their anxieties, fears, hopes and dreams with. You should show your care and commitment to shared values, interest and desire to let the current disadvantages better. By expressing your emotions, your story, you are better able to establish contact with the other person, cultivate intimacy and trust.
Listening is the leader used to excite the action as the most basic communication skills. You must not only through listening to understand employee discourse meaning of the expression, but also read those words outside information, identify their intonation that emotion signaled.
High toughness leaders to understand and listen. They will be in each dialogue in mining two key elements: discourse conveys information, discourse with the feelings of. This requires us to listen don't criticize, but must use the curiosity to replace. This is not an easy task, but it can avoid you listen when others speak for themselves to distraction.

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